Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh to be frustrated or enjoy what you have? ENJOY IT

Ya know what I hate??? I hate people that try to be tough, act better than thou yet don’t have a foot to stand on because they are spineless, petty, materialistic trash talkers who don’t have the BALLS to confront you if they have an issue. But be my guest and PLEASE discuss it with my family! How about a big screw you buddy! I didn’t have much respect for you prior to this incident, but I can guarantee that AFTER this incident, it is completely gone! I can not begin to tell anyone how grateful I am for my family – they have made this incredibly tough process so much easier and I cherish them and their hearts more than anyone could possibly imagine!

ANYWAY ~ We have been hiking for the past few weekends in Yosemite – talk about an adventure – we’ve been checking out new trails, RUGGEDLY BRUTAL TRAILS but the results have been absolutely amazing! Waterfalls, horses, deer, HUGE rabbits, fish, swimming and lunch with family! Awe…it’s perfection… Here are a few pictures from our last adventure! ENJOY!


  1. WOW.. Those are some awesome pictures.. We still gotta get lots with you and big D (Dusty) thats my new name for him... LOL

    Love ya sista

  2. hmmm...trash talkers eh? Know what that means right? All the stuff comes out their mouth is garbage...ha ha. Corny,I know. But I'm trying to keep my comment PG13 ;) I LOVE the pictures you get. I dunno where these places are but dang they'd be AWESOME for a photo-OP!
