Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh to be frustrated or enjoy what you have? ENJOY IT

Ya know what I hate??? I hate people that try to be tough, act better than thou yet don’t have a foot to stand on because they are spineless, petty, materialistic trash talkers who don’t have the BALLS to confront you if they have an issue. But be my guest and PLEASE discuss it with my family! How about a big screw you buddy! I didn’t have much respect for you prior to this incident, but I can guarantee that AFTER this incident, it is completely gone! I can not begin to tell anyone how grateful I am for my family – they have made this incredibly tough process so much easier and I cherish them and their hearts more than anyone could possibly imagine!

ANYWAY ~ We have been hiking for the past few weekends in Yosemite – talk about an adventure – we’ve been checking out new trails, RUGGEDLY BRUTAL TRAILS but the results have been absolutely amazing! Waterfalls, horses, deer, HUGE rabbits, fish, swimming and lunch with family! Awe…it’s perfection… Here are a few pictures from our last adventure! ENJOY!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

TRUE friendships?!?!?!

It’s been a few days so I guess I could fill ya in on the last few days…Today is boring…that’s all I got! Yesterday we went to the Warehouse ~AKA~ Wal-Mart…oh it was a blast, let me just tell YOU!!!! Which takes us to where we left off…Date night was a HIT - a wonderful night with dinner, our show, fishing and a we had a random visit…which was super cool even for date night, like close to the coolest thing ever…since we all go way back, we chilled outside in the yard, had some drinks, watched the sky, looked for shooting stars, talked about the good ol’ days of our youth :) haha….I know it was a REALLY - REALLY long time ago, lol – seriously! Anyway – it got me thinking about how people treat the relationships in their lives…Thursday morning I was on my facebook and changed my status to read:

I think there is a difference between an acquaintance and a friend…a friend and a good friend…a good friend and a true friend…people get them mixed up a lot and sometimes it takes a surprise to realize who is who!

It got a lot of responses but that wasn’t my intention, it just really got me going. Every week we get emails about how we need to think about today and take it for what it is, realize that we get stressed but there isn’t anything that stress cures, so why let anything bother you to THAT point and to welcome chocolate instead of banish it; those are generally followed by the ‘have I told you I loved you lately’ friendship ones (which always get me!, big sissy, yeah whatever!). So we read them, forward them and forget them. But does it make a big enough impact on us to take a different outlook on our friendships or spend more time with our family? Not as the golden rule and that’s where talk is cheap comes in. We have to really cherish our relationships, no matter what the means are – and sometimes in can take a random visit for that force that comes over us and we’re hit across the head, you know what I’m talking about.

The only thing that I can say is this – there IS a difference in a good friend and a true friend and there is a difference between an acquaintance and a good friend (I know I didn’t mention just a friend, but take it for what it is) . A true friend is that person that you can go days, weeks, months or even years without talking to and know that when you pick the phone up or run into each other at the store or a restaurant, that life picks up right where you both left off, like nothing skipped a beat. I’ve been blessed to have a few of those and I couldn’t consider myself any luckier. There are people that come into our lives by chance and they leave an imprint on your heart; there are people that come in by accident and leave just as quickly as the came and there are people that come that have made a world of difference and made an impact on your life…which one are you??? The saying our parents and grandparents instilled on us is the same one we are trying to instill in our children has been around the global for as long as anyone can remember, yet sometimes it takes a reminder for you to snap out of your fairytale and do what was instilled…

Treat people how you want to be treated…
~Parents, grandparents and teachers heard ‘round the world!

Having said that…its almost time to be gone for the weekend (I said ALMOST)…tonight it’s packing and hoping a visitor stops by, tomorrow its hiking with the fam and I’m not sure what Sunday holds – hanging out, cleaning house, going fishing…who knows but it will be fun and we will have pictures galore! So have you’re self a happy little weekend and enjoy those you are with…take pictures, they’re memories!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Hump Day

I'm looking forward to Hump Day this week...not like I never do cause I always do...I love how corny we are and how lovey dovey we get but it's the one day a week we devote to each other - DATE NIGHT yay! Tonight will consist of me NOT making dinner, fishing, and watching something on TV since there are no new Ghost Hunters episodes. FUN STUFF!!!

As for yesterday...I was going to start working out, but that didn't happen, you see when I got home, Dusty was asleep so I laid down and passed out until 7! WTCrap is that (thanks for the line Mann)...needless to say I woke up, made dinner and went BACK to sleep! Dusty on the other hand has been a workin out FOOL - Monday he pulled a ton of weeds or maybe it was yesterday, regardless one day this week he pulled a lot of weeds, went on a short bike ride and today he took the bike out again for a 10.8 mi ride! MOTIVATION!!!!! I need some of that!

What else??? Not too much - today I pretended to work which seems to be the story of my life lately...but I did try to help Jenn all afternoon to get her blog up and running and PRETTY but it wasn't working out in our favor - BREATHE and we'll get it figured out soon enough!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Run Down

So this is all brandy new to me so please cope while I get used to it!!! LOL

I guess I'll start at the beginning and take it from there to give you the run down...

Dusty and I met in the 7th grade - so it's been 14 years! CRAZINESS RIGHT THERE!!! Life changed, we didn't really talk much, but then the wonderful world of MySpace came about and I one day got a message with a phone number, asking me for mine and I was dubbed a new name - Stuck Up! And that is when it started.....he had issues, he'd come to me, I had issues, I'd go to him...but then things in my life got incredibly hectic and I needed to talk someone that would listen and give me heart to heart advice instead of just telling me something that sounded good....all in all - we ended up together and it has been a crazy, wild, emotional, adventurous and never-ending ride (tho I've swapped out Stuck Up with Baby!)....

We have a Great Dane, Zane and 3 mini-lions - Sarah, Mama and FatHead , which is quite appropriate. We live in Fallon still, will probably never leave, I am still working for American AgCredit and Dusty is a not so proud stay-at-home-husband(for the time being)....He is big into fixing EVERYTHING and riding his dirt bike...I'm into reading....WE are very outdoorsy..aka.. "naturely" ~into hiking, fishing, camping, going to Virginia City and spending true quality time together as a family. Dusty also has a 6 year old son - Cody, whom means the world to us! He lives in Washington but got to come down for 2 weeks over the summer and we're hoping to get him again soon. Like Father Like Son there, they are identical!

Til next time....Kate