Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Hump Day

I'm looking forward to Hump Day this week...not like I never do cause I always do...I love how corny we are and how lovey dovey we get but it's the one day a week we devote to each other - DATE NIGHT yay! Tonight will consist of me NOT making dinner, fishing, and watching something on TV since there are no new Ghost Hunters episodes. FUN STUFF!!!

As for yesterday...I was going to start working out, but that didn't happen, you see when I got home, Dusty was asleep so I laid down and passed out until 7! WTCrap is that (thanks for the line Mann)...needless to say I woke up, made dinner and went BACK to sleep! Dusty on the other hand has been a workin out FOOL - Monday he pulled a ton of weeds or maybe it was yesterday, regardless one day this week he pulled a lot of weeds, went on a short bike ride and today he took the bike out again for a 10.8 mi ride! MOTIVATION!!!!! I need some of that!

What else??? Not too much - today I pretended to work which seems to be the story of my life lately...but I did try to help Jenn all afternoon to get her blog up and running and PRETTY but it wasn't working out in our favor - BREATHE and we'll get it figured out soon enough!


1 comment:

  1. I still need to make myself a layout for my blog. I will...eventually. As far as the motivation. I need some too. We plan on going to see my hubs family for the first time since 2005. Heck! The last time ANY of them saw us,Tristian was a month old. And yea...hes almost 5 now...Anyways I wanna be back down to a "decent" size. I so dont wanna be the "fat in law". Thats Mats sisters job. bahhhahahahahahaha. So I been trying to exercise. Working out outside is a JOKE! 110 + weather,think NOT! But I been moving around more,eating less JUNK and more GREEN food. Thats HUGE for me. *sigh* Maybe if my husband looked like McHawty Id be more motivated...ahhh ha ha Dont tell Mat!
